Urban Regeneration
Urban regeneration and planning can range from strategies to bring businesses to places that have no commercial activity to make them more vibrant, through to how we can make the most of large infrastructure investment by leveraging and catalysing development through design, planning, and delivery. Regeneration is not just about the physical space, it is also about the social, cultural, economic, and educational opportunities of the communities that live or interact in those locations. It often requires a coordinated approach across central and local government, the community, and the private sector.
TPG's Urban Regeneration team works closely with our RMA Planning and Development Projects Advisory teams to take a holistic approach to the development and regeneration of places. The team delivers strategic planning, design, and policy advice through to the delivery of catalyst development projects, ensuring that conceptual ideas are feasible and able to be readily implemented.
Our project experience extends to strategic urban design projects such as town centre revitalisation and urban growth projects, structure plans and master plans. We can assist with the evidential base, particularly around residential and financial feasibility, structure, and master planning, supported by our in-house GIS team. We also have experience in delivering complex mixed-use projects with several hundred apartments and commercial spaces, through to subdivisions with tight-knit terraced housing arrangements on steeply sloping sites.
We are passionate about projects that focus on unlocking the potential for responsible urban development in a way that builds on the local character of an area and is in keeping with the community’s vision. We believe in a design-led process, and guide projects with expertise and strong leadership. We collaborate with our clients, communities, technical consultants, and other creative disciplines to deliver best practice outcomes.
Services include:
Spatial Planning at the local, district or regional level
Precinct planning including design, planning, and development feasibility
Master planning services for individual sites and large-scale development areas
Urban design assessments and advice to support or assess development proposals
Strategic planning and policy advice, particularly relating to urban regeneration and areas experiencing growth
Community and Social Impact Assessments
Design guidelines
Regeneration strategies considering the range of activities, built form, access and public realm design while ensuring feasibility
Community planning and placemaking strategies including stakeholder engagement
Growth and corridor planning/strategy
Infrastructure planning and management of development contributions and funding strategies
Project management, coordination, and integration of projects and programmes.
Key contact
Ruth Allen
Principal Advisor – Urban Regeneration