Brad Allen
Brad is a Planning Manager - Auckland & Northland based at TPG’s Auckland office.
Brad has over 10 years of local authority experience, including six years as the Team Leader of the Hauraki Gulf and Islands planning team. Prior to that Brad gained experience in geospatial mapping for both Auckland Council and Beca.
Brad has processed and managed a diverse range of resource consent applications as well as being involved in policy advice and attendance at Auckland Councils Planning, Environment and Parks Committee to advise Councilors on contentious issues and attendance at the Environment Court as an expert witness. From his time in Council roles, Brad gained a thorough understanding of the RMA, and of Council processes, needs and risks.
Brad develops excellent relationships with clients and has achieved considerable success in negotiating outcomes for a broad range of projects. Brad is a skilled communicator that can confidently engage with a diverse range of clients, Council staff and other key project stakeholders.
Brad is familiar with a range of planning matters, including urban, rural, regional, and coastal environment consenting, mana whenua consultation and high-density developments.