Client: Wellington City Council
The Wellington Rail Precinct was identified as an area of Wellington that is likely to undergo significant change. TPG was engaged by Wellington City Council to prepare a discovery report to provided a contextual analysis of the precinct to gain an understanding of the potential opportunities and issues to be addressed.
The report looked at both the existing geographical, historic, and built environment alongside the different strategies, projects and workstreams that are underway which will change the precinct into the future. Developed as a background report, it supported the development of an integrated development framework for the future of the precinct.
The development of the report involved significant stakeholder engagement with KiwiRail, CentrePort, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Interislander, Bluebridge, Port Nicholson Settlement Block Trust and Ngāti Toa, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and Let’s Get Wellington Moving.
A co-design approach was used to identify the key issues and opportunities across the precinct and identify how the interdependencies between planned investment could drive towards an integrated precinct outcome.
Commenced and delivered through the COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown, the project saw all interactions with Council and stakeholders being virtual. TPG was able to successfully complete the report, which is now used as the baseline standard for precinct planning work across Wellington city.
Ruth Allen
Principal Advisor – Urban Regeneration