Build Wellington Development Framework | Case Study | TPG NZ

Build Wellington Development Framework

    Build Wellington is the business unit within Wellington City Council responsible for urban development. TPG was engaged to prepare a development framework to guide how Build Wellington’s activities will deliver on the priorities of Council.

    In particular, the framework identified the purpose of Build Wellington, the key challenges that Wellington city faces in relation to development, and proposed a range of responses that define the function and approach of the Build Wellington team.

    The framework guides the decision-making processes governing the identification of projects for public investment, including joint ventures and partnerships with the private sector. The development framework has the following purpose:

    • To provide a transparent decision-making process that can be documented for each project and feed into Council’s reporting requirements, including Committee papers and the Investment Delivery Framework

    • To provide a flexible and non-prescriptive approach to project selection and prioritisation, allowing Build Wellington to respond to issues or opportunities as they arise and to ensure the feasibility of projects is not hampered by an overly prescriptive system, whilst ensuring consistent decision-making

    • To enable the development of a Build Wellington programme

    • To strengthen and reinforce a positive reputation for Build Wellington as a development partner

    • To define the range of tools and levers available and identify when they should be used.

    Key contact

    Ruth Allen

    Principal Advisor – Urban Regeneration

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