Client: Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) owned its premises in Tauranga, however it was not fit for purpose. TPG was engaged to undertake a gap analysis to understand where the premises fell short and to identify preferred solutions with indicative costs for adoption in the 2015 – 2025 Long Term Plan, followed by subsequent implementation.
We worked with BOPRC to negotiate the lease of 1,400m2 of space in First Avenue, Tauranga. The premises were fitted out as a pilot to test BOPRC’s Organisational Wide Accomodation Plan (OWAP) and to trial a new multi-functional Council Chamber. As BOPRC required this space for only a few years until the refurbishment of their own building had been completed, a number of the interior fittings were designed so they could be removed and incorporated into Council’s refurbished Regional House.
The RFP documents produced resulted in the identification and securing of a project manager, architect and other design professionals to undertake the detailed design work for the Regional House refurbishment.
Debby Sanders
Bay of Plenty Business Manager and Strategic Property Advisor